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여행/취미/뉴질랜드 트래킹

뉴질랜드 밀포드 사운드 트래킹을 위한 준비

2012년 8월 어느날 SLR club(http://www.slrclub.com)에서 뉴질랜드 밀포드 사운드 트래킹 사진을 보면서 꼭 가봐야겠다는 결심을 한다.

작년에 미서부 여행을 다녀오느라 출혈이 컸지만, 한번 다녀온 이후로 다음 여행만을 기다리기를 어언 1년.

드디어 그 '가고 싶다'라는 막연한 계획을 실행에 옮기게 된다.


먼저 밀포드 사운드 트래킹에 대해 검색을 시작했다.

항상 그렇듯이 구글맵스를 띄우고 목적지를 입력

 뉴질랜드 남섬의 남쪽에 위치한 밀포드 사운드(아래 그림의 A자 표시 위치)


 대략적인 여정

인천 -> 오클랜드

오클랜드 -> 퀸즈타운 국내선 이동(약 2:30분)

퀸즈타운 -> Te Anau까지 버스 이동(약 3:30분)

Te Anau -> Te Anau Downs까지 버스 이동(약 30분)

Te Anau Downs -> 트래킹 시작점까지 보트로 이동(약 40분)

트래킹 3박4일

트래킹 마지막날 Sandfly point에 도착하여 크루즈(1:40분) : 아래 그림의 녹색선

크루즈 후 Milford sound에 도착

Milford sound에서 퀸즈타운까지 버스로 이동 : 약 6시간

밀포드 사운드 트래킹은 가이드 트래킹(가이드가 동반하여 길안내는 물론 중간 숙소에서 식사와 취침까지 모두 해결)과 혼자서 모든 것을 알아서 해야 하는 indivisual 트래킹이 있음을 알게 된다.

가이드 트래킹은 4박5일 일정으로 1인당 약 200만원이라는 엄청난 비용이 드는데 비해, 혼자서 모든 것을 알아서 하고 숙소는 비만 피할정도의 초라한 Hut을 이용하는 조건으로 3박4일간

약 45만원이라는 저렴한 비용으로 가는 방법이 있으니 선택의 여지가 없이 indivisual 트래킹을 선택한다.


그나마 하루에 45명만 출입을 허가하기에 5~6개월 이전에 예약을 해야만 가능하다.

9월중순에 뉴질랜드의 여름에 해당하는 1~2월 성수기에 예약을 하려고 보니 벌써 2월 중순까지 예약이 완료됐다.

먼저 밀포드 관리국 사이트(Department of conservation)를 방문하여 예약을 시작한다.


예약을 위해 해당 사이트에 회원가입을 한다. 아래 링크를 클릭해서 영문 이름과 이메일주소만으로 간단히 회원가입 완료!



다음으로 예약 시작!

 https://booking.doc.govt.nz/Menu.aspx?sg=MIL <== 이 링크를 클릭하면 아래와 같은 창이 뜬다.

여기서 Destination은 Milford Track - Great Walk를 선택하고

Check availability from은 원하는 출발날짜를 선택

이후 Make a booking 옆의 Go를 클릭하면 

 위의 그림과 같이 해당날짜에 빈자리가 없으니 다른 날짜를 선택하겠냐고 묻는다. 당근 Yes를 선택!

운이 좋으면(빈자리가 있다면) 위의 화면이 안나오고 바로 다다음 화면으로 이동한다.


위의 화면을 보면 3.9일(토)에 6명의 자리가 있다는 의미이다.

HUTS를 보면 Clinton hut/Mintaro Hut/Dumpling Hut이 3박을 할 숙소를 의미하므로 맨먼저 Clinton Hut을 선택하면 나머지 2~3일차는 자동으로 체크된다.

위의 화면에서 Make a booking을 누르면 


로그인 하라는 창이 뜬다. 물론 먼저 로그인했다면 나타나지 않겠지만.... 


다시 위에 이어서 예약을 계속한다.

Start date에 날짜를 선택하고 Number of people에 인원수를 입력

중요한 것은 Include transport in this booking을 선택해서 오가는 버스와 배편을 반드시 예약해야 한다는거.

만약 여기를 체크하지 않고 숙소(Hut)만 예약하면 버스와 배는 알아서 타야하는 엄청난 고난이 시작된다. 


위의 화면에서 처럼 3.30일(토) Clinton Hut에 체크하면 Mintaro/Dumpling Hut은 자동으로 체크된다. 물론 다른 날짜를 원하면 해당 일로 이동하여 Clinton hut만 체크하면 된다. 


두번째로 가장 중요한 버스/배편 예약화면.

가능하면 Buses Te Anau to Te Anau Downs에서 출발시간이 늦은 것을 선택하는 것이 좋다. 첫날은 선착장에서부터 첫번째 산장(Hut)까지 2시간 30분밖에 걸리지 않으므로 일찍 출발할 필요가 없기 때문이다. 즉, Te Anau에서 반나절을 보내거나 퀸즈타운에서 아침에 버스를 타고 바로 Te Anau Downs로 가려면 늦게 출발하는 버스를 선택하는 것이 좋다. 만약 9:45분 버스를 선택하면 퀸즈타운에서 최소한 아침 5시쯤에 출발해야 하므로 현실적으로 불가한 옵션이다. 나도 처음에는 9:45분 버스를 예약했다가 변경하느라고 힘들었단....

 하지만 위의 예제화면에서는 안타깝게도 9:45분 버스를 선택해야만한다. 그 이유는 Boat Te Anau Downs to start of track까지 가는 버스가 2시편은 없기때문에 어쩔 수 없이 9:45분 버스를 선택해야 한다. 그게 아니라면 당근 버스는 1:15분 버스를 선택하고 보트는 2시 편을 선택하면 된다. 빈칸에 인원수를 입력하면 된다.


다음으로 되돌아 오는 보트와 버스편 예약이다.

Boat sandfly point to Milford sound에서 2시 편을 예약하는 것이 좋다. 3시 배편을 예약하면 만약 Te Anau에서 퀸즈타운으로 이동할 예정인 경우 늦게 도착하기 때문이다.

만약 Milford sound에서 퀸즈타운으로 버스를 타고 귀환하기를 원하는 경우 Bus Milford sound to Queenstown 버스를 예약하면 된다. 

트래킹이 끝나는 Sandfly point에서 크루즈선을 타고 바다로 나갔다 되돌아 오는(1:40분 소요) 옵션을 선택하려면 위의 화면에서 선택하면 되는데, 3월에는 운행하지 않는듯....

내가 2.14일에 신청할때는 옵션에 크루즈가 있었단....



암튼 모든 옵션을 선택했다면 이제 결재를 해야하는 단계. 위의 화면처럼 이름, 주소를 입력하고 전화번호와 이메일 주소를 입력한 후 continue를 클릭

휴대폰 번호가 010-1234-4578이라면 821012345678로 앞에 82(국가코드)를 추가하여 입력하면 된다. 물론 전화올 일은 없다.



각각의 인원에 대한 이름, 나이, 성별, 국가를 선택하고 continue를 클릭 


그러면 최종 비용이 산출된다. 2인 기준 3박4일 숙박과 버스편을 포함하여 790N$로 약 780,000원이 나왔다.  


 다음 화면이 나오면 'I accept the terms and conditions above(위의 조건에 동의함)'에 체크하고 continue를 클릭


 위의 화면에서도 당근 continue 클릭


 비자든 마스터카드든 둘중 하나 본인이 있는 카드를 클릭


여기서부터는 나오는 대로 입력하고 enter payment를 클릭하면 완료된다.


그러면 예약확인 메일이 가입시 입력했던 이메일 주소로 온다.





Great Walks Booking Office
P O Box 29
Te Anau 9640
Ph: +64 3 249 8514, Fax: +64 3 249 8515
Email: greatwalksbookings@doc.govt.nz
CHUNG KYU YANG Print this page

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-gu Daejeon Korea

Daejeon/Korea Date Sent: 11 Sep 2012
Republic of Korea MIL170602021303
Milford Track - Great Walk Confirmation

Booking Number: 702874

We are pleased to confirm your booking starting on Monday, 29 February 2013.
Please check the details below and ensure the date(s) and number of people are correct.

If you then have any queries, please contact the Great Walks Booking Office and quote your booking number.

Tickets must be collected from the
Fiordland National Park Visitor Centre, Lakefront Drive, Te Anau
Please see our website for opening hours www.doc.govt.nz/visitorcentres

- Tickets must be collected no later than 9am for morning transport departures and 12.30pm for afternoon transport departures.
- You are able to collect your tickets up to two days prior to departure.
- Tickets will not be posted out and once issued are non refundable.
- Tickets must be shown to DOC rangers on request. Failure to do so or having invalid
tickets may result in you and your party having to pay a penalty fees and for all
services again.
- Tickets are only valid for the date and service listed on them.
- You and/ or your party members may be required to produce identification at the huts.

Date Facility/Service Details Adult Youth/Child Infant Amount

21 Feb 2013

10.30am Boat to Glade Wharf 6 2 0 $506.00

21 Feb 2013

9.45am Bus to Te Anau Downs 6 2 0 $186.00

21 Feb 2013

Clinton Hut 4 4 0 $216.00

22 Feb 2013

Mintaro Hut 4 4 0 $216.00

23 Feb 2013

Dumpling Hut 4 4 0 $216.00

24 Feb 2013

2pm Boat Sandfly Point 6 2 0 $291.00
24 Feb 2013 5pm Bus to Te Anau 6 2 0 $368.00
Current Total Amount $1,999.00
SubTotal $1,999.00
Total $1,999.00

List of Visitors Attending:
Name Age Group Name Age Group
YANG, CHUNG KYU Adult     Adult

Transaction history to date:
Receipt Date Type Payment Details Amount Cancellation Fee
11 Sep 2012 Payment Mastercard Confirmation $1,999.00 $0.00
Tax Invoice. GST Number: 67-809-823 (GST = Goods and Services Tax) (All amounts inclusive of GST)

Safety & Equipment
Weather in the area can be very changeable, with snow and cold alpine conditions possible even in summer. Heavy rain can cause flooding in both the Clinton and Arthur Valleys which may cause delays.

For the latest information about weather, track conditions and facilities, see our website www.doc.govt.nz/fiordlandalerts before you set out. Also check the notice board at the Fiordland National Park Visitor Centre before starting your walk.

Your safety is your responsibility.

Make sure you and your party are prepared for all Milford Track conditions. Ensure you and your party read the full information about safety and the equipment required, as listed on our website www.doc.govt.nz/milfordtrackplan.

It is recommend that you leave your trip intentions with a friend or family member or on the website www.adventuresmart.org.nz before leaving for the track.

At times the track and other facilities can temporarily close due to weather conditions or other events. If your walk is cancelled by DOC for these reasons, please contact the DOC office listed in this letter within 7 days, to reschedule your trip or to receive your refund.

Your help is required:
To avoid the spread of invasive water borne weeds and pests such as Didymo please Check, Clean and Dry all tramping, fishing equipment before accessing the track.
More information and best cleaning methods can be found on www.biosecurity.govt.nz/didymo
To protect native wildlife, stoat trapping is carried out along the Milford track. Please assist us in our efforts to save our native species by not disturbing trap lines.

Preview the Milford Track experience on YouTube!
Get a sneak preview of the magnificent alpine scenery and hut facilities on the Milford Track here:
“It’s In Our Backyard”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZalbatbY5s

Booking Terms, Conditions and Booking Information

Bookings not meeting the following Terms and Conditions are treated as invalid, and will be reversed (cancelled) by the Department of Conservation.
  • Bookings can only be made for people intending to use the facilities/services at the time of booking.
  • A booking is required for each adult, youth, child and infant intending to use the facility/service.
  • The given name, family name, age, gender and nationality of each party member must be entered at the time of booking, except for sole occupancy sites where only the party leader details need to be entered.
  • Bookings are not transferable from one person/ entity to another.
  • Names listed on the booking as using facility/service may not be substituted unless approved via a Department of Conservation office. Substitution of all or the majority of names listed on a booking will not be approved.
  • Those persons named on the booking may be required to produce proof of identity when collecting tickets or accessing facilities/services booked. Accepted forms of ID are a passport, driver’s licence, credit card or student ID.
  • Commercial and/or guided groups are not permitted to use Department of Conservation facilities/services unless authorised by the Department of Conservation via a Concession or other agreement.
  • Commercial Agents wishing to make multiple bookings for facilities/services on behalf of customers must hold an Agent agreement with or obtain permission from the Department of Conservation.
– – for non-valid and un-booked accommodation or services.
  • Failure to have a valid booking for a facility/service for the date of use will result in penalty fees being charged.
  • The Penalty rate for all persons is the normal age fee plus the full adult fee for that service.
  • Where there is no valid booking, the Department of Conservation does not guarantee access to that, or other, facilities/services.
  • Booking refunds will only be made to the person/ agent who made the original booking.
  • Refunds will be made back to the payment type used to pay for the booking.
  • Refunds for services closures must be applied for not later than 7 days after booked service date.
  • For security reasons credit card details are not held by the Department of Conservation and will have to be resubmitted to the Department of Conservation office making your alteration, transfer or cancellation by phone, fax or mail. Sending credit card details by email is not recommended for security reasons.
Transfer of Booking Dates
  • Transfer fees up to $10 per booking may be charged.
  • Only two date transfers will be permitted on any booking.
  • If a booking transferred to a later date is then cancelled, cancellation fees will apply as of the date of the original booking.
  • If a booking transferred to an earlier date is then cancelled, cancellation fees will apply as of the new booking date.
  • Bookings may only be transferred within the current open booking period. Bookings must be cancelled if the date required is not open for bookings.
  • Any additional fees must be paid at time of transfer being made.
  • Any refunds, less cancellation fees as per below table, will be issued at the time transfer is made. Credit card details must be supplied so transfer and refund can be processed.
  • Altering/transferring booking dates 1 to 2 days prior to start date will incur 100% cancellation fee.
Alterations via Internet
Only selected changes can be made online, alterations and transfers that will not affect:
  1. the cost or
  2. change the facilities/services booked or order of use of those facilities or
  3. the people booked into those facilities/services,
can be made online up to two days prior to departure. After this date you must contact the Department of Conservation office listed on the confirmation letter/receipt. A new booking is required if you want to add additional people or services to an existing booking or contact the Department of Conservation office listed on your letter/receipt.
Alterations via DOC Office
  • Alterations may be made to any existing booking and may incur a fee of up to $10.
  • Altering/transferring booking dates 1 to 2 days prior to start date will incur 100% cancellation fee.
Cancellations due to DOC Closures
  • If the Department of Conservation closes a facility/service due to severe weather or facility/service conditions, a full refund of the fee for the unused Department of Conservation facilities/services will be given.
  • Those visitors who have already started their trip/ booking may be required to leave before their trip/ booking is completed.
  • Refunds or rescheduling bookings due to facility/services closures must be applied for within 7 days. NO refunds will be given after this time and trips will not be rescheduled.
  • Visitors will only be rescheduled if there are vacancies available once the facility/service reopens.
Cancellations By Visitors
  • If visitor / agent cancels their bookings the following cancellation fees apply.
  • Booking and alteration fees are not refundable.
  • These fees are not negotiable.
Note: If a booking has been transferred to a later date and is then cancelled, cancellation fees will apply as of the date of the original booking. If a booking has been transferred to an earlier date and is then cancelled, cancellation fees will apply as of the new booking date.
Cancellation fees are based on the earliest start date
Applies to all booked services
Cancellation Fee
More than 10 days before the first date service/s will be used and within 48 hours of making the booking 0%
More than 10 days before the first date service/s will be used and more than 48 hours after making the booking 25%
Between 3 and 10 days before the first date service/s will be used 50%
Between 1 and 2 days before the first date service/s will be used 100%
On or after the first date service/s will be used 100%
Medical circumstances that prevent customer using a facility/service - must be accompanied by a medical certificate and requested within two weeks of the certificate being issued and no later than one month after the departure date. 20%
Booked Transport more than 24 hours prior to departure and before tickets are issued. 0%
Booked Transport less than 24 hours prior to departure or on day of departure or after departure date or after tickets are issued 100%
  • The Department of Conservation recommends that you arrange travel insurance to guard against the loss of costs associated with cancellation or delay of your trip.
  • The Department of Conservation is unable to rearrange non Department of Conservation booked transport, accommodation and flight bookings if delays should occur.
  • The Department of Conservation will not be liable for injury, damage or any costs incurred by visitors.

Great Walks Booking Office
P O Box 29
Te Anau 9640
Ph: +64 3 249 8514, Fax: +64 3 249 8515
Email: greatwalksbookings@doc.govt.nz

This e-mail (and attachments) is confidential and may be legally privileged.